Monday, April 10, 2017

Reading Notes: English Fairy Tales; Part A

The first story in this section was pretty interesting. There were some parts that I thought went together and some that I didn't. At the end I was trying to figure out the moral of the story and if it even really had one. The story begins with a daughter betraying her mother and eating pies that she is not supposed to. It then transitions to her getting to marry the king. Most months with the king would be glorious, with the exception of a few bad days in between. During those bad days she struggled with what she had to do. Help came along the way and they tried to make things difficult for her by having her try to guess their name. I think if I was to change up the story, I would try to make a connection as to why this person wanted her to guess their name. Overall, it was a fairly good read.

I enjoyed The Rose Tree, the second story a little better. Although it was gruesome, there was somewhat more of a moral to the story than the first one. If I was make changes, I would maybe have the daughter and son deceive the stepmother somehow and have her end up killing her own son and then face the consequences that way. I liked the description in the story as well. I felt as if I was able to picture everything, as cruel and unusual as it was. It still creeps me out that some of the stories I have read have someone being killed and then their body eaten by those people. I am disturbed by the fact that a human would have the heart to do that. Maybe I would take that part out.

The next story was kind of funny! I enjoyed how things kept adding on to the story to make things seem crazier. It would be a fun twist if I made something mess up in the chain of events happening. I feel like the lady went through so much to get a pig to do something, but overall I liked the idea. 

The last story I liked from Part A was the cat and the mouse having  conversation. I think in my writing I should include more dialogue. I like how nonchalantly the story ended with the cat eating the mouse. It would be funny to do a role reversal and have the mouse eat the cat. Not ideal, but would be very interesting. 

Bibliography: English Fairy Tales

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